Video Scripts

Open source scripts for videos I publish on YouTube.

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Learn Lua in an Hour.

These are all the parts of a Lua tutorial video, "Learn Lua in an Hour" (rather fetching title). These scripts are meant to be world-editable — the details are at the bottom of this page.

These scripts are intended to be open to suggestions in the form of pull requests. I'd love to make changes that improve clarity without significantly changing the focus, and that don't exceed the hard 60 minute limit on the video time. If I accept your pull request, then my plan is to later re-record and upload the video with the edits inserted at the appropriate spot.

I hope this is a useful way to learn Lua! Constructive feedback is welcome! Nonconstructive feedback is dumb.

By the way, I'm using Lua to develop an independent game called Apanga. Check out for more about that!